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Product SalesPad
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 4, 2024

Follow GP Purchasing UofM restrictions when creating a PO for SOP-PO link

GP Item Purchasing Options allow marking certain UofM's as Not Available, Whole, or Whole or Fractional for items.

I have several items which we purchase in packages of three, but sell individually. I've set up a UofM Schedule ID for these items with Base UofM EA and two UofM options: EA and PKG3. I then set up the Purchasing Options for these items to only allow purchasing in PKG3 and disallow purchasing in units of EA. I'd like SalesPad to respect these settings when creating Purchase Orders.

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    Alyssa Strand
    Jun 7, 2024

    Thank you for this idea! We have created an internal case for investigating this.