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SalesPad Ideas Portal
Status Will not implement
Product SalesPad
Created by Guest
Created on May 31, 2024

Allow first queue in workflow to be autoforwarding

For business object worklow, without the use of Automation Agent, this would allow an action to take place as soon as an object is created. The moment a new customer, new item, new MO, etc. is created, we could print a report or take another action.

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    Alyssa Strand
    Jun 14, 2024

    Upon review, we have decided not to implement this feature.

    There is a high level of complexity around this feature due to all of the different places that sales documents can originate (manual entry, EDI, eCommerce, API, Customer Portal, SalesPad Mobile, GP, 3rd party connectors), not to mention the added complication of the many different entities that we support in business object workflow.

    This need can be solved in Automation Agent with Batch Forward jobs for sales documents and with Bus Obj Workflow Batch Forward jobs for business object workflow entities.

  • Admin
    Alyssa Strand
    Jun 7, 2024

    Thank you for this idea! We have created an internal case for investigation.