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SalesPad Ideas Portal
Product SalesPad
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 12, 2024

Special Pricing priority

The query that picks special pricing priority chooses the earliest Begin_Date with no other options
ORDER BY Begin_Date ,End_Date,UOfM ASC

If special pricing gets added for an item that already has some in place, SalesPad will always select the pricing with the earliest date regardless of it being a new Begin_Date or if the markdown% is higher... SalesPad will always default to the earliest one because the stored procedure orders by ASC and selects the first valid one it finds.

There is currently no setting to adjust this. I suggest allowing the user to choose between, Highest Percent, Newest Begin Date, or Earliest Begin Date.

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    Alyssa Strand
    Sep 13, 2024

    Thank you for this idea! We have created an internal case for further review.