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SalesPad Ideas Portal
Product SalesPad
Created by Curtis Huber
Created on Jul 23, 2024

Add Audit and Multi Run Scripts to the Manufacturing Order

The SalesPad Manufacturing Order is missing an Audit trail. Besides recording all changes made in SalesPad, it would be ideal if the SalesPad Audit trail could include the GP MO Audits that are already being recorded in SQL table MOP10213.

Add the Multi Run Scripts option to the SalesPad MO, allowing us to create our own scripts and run them using a button that can be added to the MO header.

Note, both of the above options are already included with the SalesPad Assembly, therefore it would only make sense to include them with the SalesPad MO.

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    Alyssa Strand
    Jul 26, 2024

    Thank you for this idea! I have created an internal case for further investigation.