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Product SalesPad
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 10, 2024

Shopify Order Export Fulfillments from Multiple Locations

We currently are leveraging a workaround to this that requires 4 export automations for Shopify. the Location matching mapping does not allow multiple locations (warehouses) to be selected. We drop ship our ecommerce orders from our four plants across the U.S. (MI, TN, UT, NC).

I frequently find that an order may have two lines on the order and the lines were shipped from 2 different locations. this will fail in the export of the fulfillment to shopify because it is not able to match on those locations in the fulfillment.

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    Alyssa Strand
    Jul 12, 2024

    Thank you for this idea! I have created a case for us to investigate this further. It is possible there is some limitation with the data that we can send to Shopify, but ideally we would be able to update this to perform location matching at the sales line level instead of the sales order level.