There are no settings available for what to audit on the Vendor card. Add Vendor Columns to Include in Audit to Settings (similar to Customer Card) There is no auditing of Vendor Addresses. Add auditing of Vendor Addresses, along with the option t...
Save non Salespad addresses or repeat previous order
We ship alot of things through Shipcenter to non order customers. So shipping without a salesorder to personal addresses or vendors. Shipcenter doesn't allow for those addresses to be saved or at minimum repeat a previous order.
Add Qty Commited/Uncommitted Columns to Purchases tab in Inventory Lookup
Being able to see the quantity committed and quantity uncommitted on the Purchases tab you get when viewing an item in Inventory Lookup would be helpful.
Link kit components on a sales line to a purchase order line
We have several kit items set up in GP/SalesPad that share components. We do not want to purchase all component in a kit if inventory is short (which is what happens when we try to use the Purchase button in SP). GP allows us to directly link out-...
The ability to set cross/upsell options at an item class level rather than just for individual items. Will allow organization to more efficiently manage cross/upsell options.
Do not allow same user to login multiple times at the same time
We have had an ongoing issues where users will login taking multiple seats or not realize that they did not properly log out, and then login a 2nd time. This causes issues where seats are being used with no business benefit. I believe salepad shou...
When selecting shipping address details from the list, the address populates, but not the name, forcing the user to type the customer name each time. This is time consuming and unnecessary . Why not populate the name too?